Our Proposal

Always with the perspective of the prevention and resolution of civil and corporative conflicts, our practice is characterized as multidisciplinary, dedicated to several different sectors of law and the economy. Thus, we offer legal assistance for non-judicial issues (such as contractual issues or regulatory matters), pre-dispute resolution (such as settlement agreements, preventive follow-up, mediation, and pre-trial strategies) and litigation itself (through combative and strategic practice in the most diverse Brazilian Courts of Law, as well as Arbitration Chambers).

Our judicial practice is guided by maximum technical rigor and by the modern and critical thinking towards civil procedural law, with our eyes always focused on the jurisprudential understandings of our Courts and of the specialized courts and chambers themselves. We practice combative and high-level judicial advocacy, respectful towards the procedural actors, objective and clear in their postulations and we always work to be one step ahead in the procedural environment. Our lawyers are used to having private audiences with Judges from both Lower and Higher Courts, Ministers, and also members of the Public Ministries, Public Defenders’ Offices and the Attorney General’s Offices of States and Municipalities, among others, since the conclusion of our Law courses. We believe that this personal combativeness is vital and gives concreteness to the seriousness of our postulations, as long as it is carried out by well-prepared professionals and who feel safe and at ease in such situations.

In the arbitration area, our practice follows the same model, adapted only to the specificities and customs of such alternative path of conflict resolution. Although it is a very specific branch, and with its own procedures in the light of its own federal legislation, arbitration has always maintained – and will always maintain – a fruitful dialogue with contemporary civil proceedings, even from a judicial perspective, and, therefore, the resulting synergy is essential for those who work in the area. Although arbitration is an alternative and private method of conflict resolution, it is common for arbitration issues (preparatory or not) to be brought to the Judiciary, so the mastery of both practices is essential for those who wish to serve their client well.

In consulting matters, we provide broad legal advice both in contract and general issues. We believe that the consulting can guide legal behavior as to enable the conclusion of contracts or adequate positioning before any given situation, at the same time preventing litigation and projecting the solution of future conflicts.

Finally, faithful to our institutional mission, we have the daily commitment to the accompany normative, jurisprudential, and doctrinal understandings on each subject, in order to remain up-to-date. On the other hand, we do not shy away from the responsibility, whenever necessary, to face the challenges of questioning truths laid from the creation of precedents and to carry over to judicial discussion unpublished themes or thesis: each case is unique and therefore, our job is to push that into the light, with notes of innovation and vanguardism. Life in society is not static, so the law cannot be either.