Media Highlights

Digitization brings new perspectives to contracts interpretation.

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In June, the XI Lisbon Legal Forum took place, bringing together several of the most relevant names in bazilian and european Law. Among the topics discussed, the debate on “Contract interpretation in the digital age” stood out. During this session, the validity and executive effectiveness of digital signatures through electronic systems were discussed, along with >

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TJSP starts applying the decision of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) to garnish the debtor’s salary.

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The Superior Court of Justice (STJ) relaxed a rule that prohibited the garnishment of the debtor’s salary. With the STJ’s decision, debtors earning less than 50 minimum wages may have their salaries garnished. According to the judges, the protection given to the debtor cannot become a means of preventing the creditor’s satisfaction in favor of >

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Precedent discusses whether guarantee insurance or bank guarantee suspend the enforceability of non-tax credit.

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The Superior Court of Justice (STJ) will decide Special Appeals in which the discussion revolves around whether the offer of a guarantee insurance or a bank guarantee has the effect of suspending the enforceability of non-tax credit. The panel also determined the suspension of all pending proceedings, whether individual or collective, that address the same >

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Correction of credits in reorganization can have a diverse criterion from the law, as long as it is expressed in the plan.

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The Third Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) has decided that the criteria for updating credits can be defined by the general assembly of creditors differently from what is provided for in Article 9, item II, of the Law on Reorganization and Bankruptcy, as long as it is expressly stipulated in the judicial >

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